1.It is not only the greatest numerically and greatest culturally, but it seems to me the greatest intellectually.
2.The British tend to be risk-averse culturally, he said, and perceived the Americans as unrealistic.
3.Webster said the two sides were joined together socially, economically, culturally, and in many other ways. There was no way to pide them.
4.See, a bit of my identity is tied up people seeing those signifiers and thinking I'm well-educated and culturally sophisticated.
5.He seemed "otherworldly. " And I was sure that as a culturally-ignorant outsider, I would only embarrass myself in front of him.
6.Yet, by the late 1940s "culturally the city was no longer a magnet for artists and writers from around the world. "
7.Biologically, culturally and professionally Germany is dumbing down, Mr Sarrazin argued (and was then forced out of his job).
8.He described Kandahar as "culturally probably the most significant place in terms of the Pashtun people of Afghanistan" .
9.He believes that physical experience is often culturally programmed.
10."Turning china into a strong, democratic, culturally socialist modem country" is our cardinal aim in the primary stage of socialism.