1.As for Goldman's culpability, or that of particular executives at the firm, I would prefer to wait until all the evidence is in.
2.Looking along the trail, there used to be both magnificence and culpability, both enjoyment and helplessness.
3.Which brings me to the culpability of those who are only now facing up to the G. O. P. 's craziness.
4.The degree of culpability depends on the gravity of the subject matter, knowledge and freedom, as traditional moral teaching tells us.
5.If Google's original aim was to force an admission of culpability, shake hands and move on, it has failed.
6.The culpability of its essential offence should be directed indirect intention, and this crime should have joint crime.
7.They have influenced the courts to achieve the same rights as people, with none of the culpability or responsibility.
8.The government fell on its sword, accepted culpability and went cap in hand to the International Monetary Fund and World Bank.
9.The culpability of the crime committed by a unit should include intent and negligence, also supervisory negligence.
10.The value and logic origin of equitable liability is the same as that of other principles of culpability.