1.One could see in the roll of his eyes just how he had glanced covertly over the dwindling pile of chips at his step-father's party.
2.After a year and a half, in 2008 College Class 2 Grade Acupuncture, I found that "covertly stratified teaching" makes us get many benefits.
3.At this point, Salla believes, it appears that exopolitics is being covertly practiced by most of the major world powers.
4.At any time, a dozen groups are operating covertly within the lawless Terminus Systems, sowing dissent among the various factions.
5.Accessing stored phone messages covertly is illegal in Britain, except for the police or intelligence agencies acting with a warrant.
6.Thousands of victims strongly demand for an investigation into the sinful Hi-tech crimes which covertly violate human rights worldwide.
7.Much of this is covertly filmed, sometimes by the farmers themselves, with wobbly camera shots enhancing the sense of chaos and terror.
8.Industry estimates, at least 20 more credit intermediation Hushang overtly or covertly involved in the business.
9.When they resurfaced, it was covertly, and it would be years before I realized what was happening.
10.The Scout and its laptop-style control panel fits into a suitcase so it can be deployed easily over any crowd and carried away covertly.