1.in the past, a woman who had sex with rich and important men in exchange for money, protection, and status
1.Yet increasingly, escorts and courtesans throw in a line about their willingness to see single women as well.
2.There are caps (chiefly men's) and one pair of lacy, embroidered mules of the kind favoured by Venetian courtesans.
3.One day, I chanced upon one of those men who live habitually on intimate terms with the most notorious courtesans. I questioned him.
4.The very first geishas were men, entertaining customers waiting to see the most popular and gifted courtesans (oiran).
5.Geisha have been confused with the Edo period's high-class courtesans known as oiran, from whom they evolved.
6.the courtesans , as vandeuvres used to say , avenged public morality by emptying his moneybags.
7.And do you think, sir, that the mission of a gentleman is to bring about spiritual changes in courtesans ?
8.They were used to comb the pubic hair of high-class courtesans . An indication of luxurious life was for these people.
9.Rich brothel-keepers fed a construction boom that spawned thousands of elegant villas in Soho and Marylebone to house up-market courtesans.
10.'We believe this pair of pistols was made for the royal courtesans in China, where a matching pair was extremely popular, ' says Mr. Bacs.