1.a pilot whose job is to share the responsibility for flying an aircraft with the main pilot
1.Sam asks Henry and Lily to be with him in his car. He drives by himself. Jack sits on the copilot seat.
2.Surprised, the flight attendant and the copilot asked what he said to her that finally convinced her to move from her seat.
3.The bottom left knob sets whether to use the pilot's or copilot's altimeter when reporting altitude back.
4.The space in the fuselage of a small airplane containing seats for the pilot, copilot, and sometimes passengers.
5.The pilot and copilot each have a set, and there is a pair of shared DUs (display units) in the center (arranged top-and-bottom).
6.To the right of that grid are some duplicated controls from the left side that are in easier reach of the copilot.
7.To the right of the transponder controls, below the copilot's intercom panel, is the COMM3 radio panel, same as the COMM1 and COMM2 panels.
8.Copilot Snoddy came back momentarily to the rear of the aircraft to make sure Downey and Fecteau were ready.
9.One copilot is Lt. Amelia Ebhardt ( "Yes, Mom had a dream about a female pilot before I was born" ).
10.The panel is below the copilot's ND, containing three large black switches.