1.capable of being controlled or kept within safe limits
1.Among all controllable costs in an enterprise, wage costs are in first place, this is very easy to understand.
2.But seismologists give it a name and a number and a fault, and this puts it back in the box of controllable experiences.
3.If your stress is not controllable, look into seeing a psychiatrist, who may be able to help you, or at least give you medication to cope.
4.get out of hand: become un controllable When they arrived there, the angry crowd had already got out of hand.
5.There active system are able to deliver higher temperatures and a more controllable energy supply.
6.her feelings, though quick, were more controllable, and education had not given her so very hurtful a degree of self-consequence.
7.Heating because of its high efficiency, fast, controllable and easy to realize the advantages of mechanization and automation.
8."So many causes of miscarriage are not controllable, " she said in a telephone interview. "This is an opportunity to do something active. "
9.The utility model provides a controllable electromagnetic driving apparatus used for controlling the on and off of the power supply line.
10.One of the methods to improve the unit efficiency is to determine the optimal target values of main controllable parameters exactly.