1.If two or more users access the file in write mode concurrently and modify the file, the last saved content is updated in the file.
2.The board of directors of the company may decide that a board member is to serve concurrently as the general manager.
3.Any of the active working personnel of a State organ shall not concurrently practise as a lawyer.
4.A thread pool specifies the maximum possible number of threads allowed to run concurrently in a Web container.
5.In this sort of environment, it may be necessary to run both application server products concurrently for a period of time.
6.The executive director may serve concurrently as the general manager of the company.
7.The results show that the algorithm can concurrently take account of safety, performance and fuel economy and is valuable for practical use.
8.Education Master graduate student is much renown, hold two or more posts concurrently in the graduate school tuitional NMR chart learns.
9.User threshold policy ensures users can access concurrently the application up to the limit specified in a user license from the provider.
10.An multithreading operating systems that allow different parts of a software program to run concurrently.