1.Zoellick will underline that the Bank Group stands ready to support countries that make competitiveness a pillar of their growth strategy.
2.At enterprise's view point, it has included these factors and made up the comprehensive brand competitiveness' influence factors model.
3.This indeed is the case, and is the result of a number of initiatives specifically to increase competitiveness in the banking system.
4.The Defence Science & Technology Industry is always one of the most intense fields of international competitiveness.
5.The country's external competitiveness can be improved by holding real wage growth below that of other trading countries.
6.But in early 1997, several chaebols, which had been losing competitiveness to Japan, began to experience financial difficulty.
7.Fortune recently sat down with Quigley to discuss his concept of leadership and his outlook on American competitiveness.
8.Cost cutting during a downturn is often necessary to ensure a company's current profitability and future competitiveness.
9.A Honda spokeswoman said the company isn't considering increasing exports from Thailand to enhance its competitiveness.
10.Mr Gates's comments on immigration were part of a broader warning by the Microsoft chairman over the state of US competitiveness.