1.an instrument used for comparing properties such as color or shape of a system or object with those of a standard
2.a circuit used for comparing the difference between two electronic signals
1."Almost any other Western democracy would be a more useful comparator for us, " says one.
2.A phase comparator compares the phase of the reference clock with that of the output clock and outputs a phase comparison signal.
3.A frequency comparator compares the frequency of a reference clock with that of an output clock and outputs a frequency comparison signal.
4.As an editorialist noted, the study did not include an active comparator and was relatively short in duration.
5.In snooze mode, the output voltage is sampled at a rate up to 2 ms and is applied to the power-good comparator.
6.The second voltage and the reference voltage are respectively inputted to a negative pole and a positive pole of a first comparator.
7.The third voltage and the reference voltage are respectively inputted to a positive pole and a negative pole of a second comparator.
8.A directly linear resistance to time(R-T)converter consisting of a bridge amplifier and a comparator is described.
9.Sorting with a comparator is one option when working with an enumerator, searching with a filter is the other.
10.and a comparator which compares the distance value obtained by calculations of the calculator at different moments respectively.