1.Seam cleverly uses bijection to allow data to flow in and out of each page of a "Web conversation" in a new, declarative manner.
2.While Nelson's Column is cleverly constructed from a cucumber, baby courgettes and a carrot with a monkey nut and almond stuck on to it.
3.Tommy was a clever boy. He could answer questions cleverly in class. He was quick at thinking. It seemed that everything was easy to him.
4.These two posters by Amelia Roberts cleverly illustrates the complex nature of the question "Who's responsible for global warming? "
5.If you did not know otherwise, you would think you were on another planet because of how cleverly the surroundings are created.
6.But she his wife worked on him cleverly, and gradually changed him. So finally, he was also initiated.
7.This tip is no doubt meant to be cleverly counterintuitive, but is downright stupid.
8.It was just a garden variety platinum nucleus pretending to be a monopole by cleverly decaying into osmium and tantalum.
9.Civil war strategy and tactics in Rome, Caesar is good at choose major assault direction, cleverly split the enemy, the various will break.
10.Her intelligence was respectable and she could listen cleverly when he discussed business matters or affairs of state with her.