1.one of the pair of bones that go across the top of your chest from your shoulder to the bottom of your neck. A less technical name for this is the collarbone.
1.The head of your arm bone (the humerus) meets your collar-bone (the clavicle) and part of the shoulder-blade (scapula).
2.The broad upper pision of the sternum with which the clavicle and first two ribs articulate.
3.Condensing osteitis of the clavicle is a rare, benign, usually painful condition leading to sclerosis of the medial end of the clavicle.
4.Thin shoulder characteristics: moderate curvature shoulder, shoulder muscles are not thick, clavicle, scapula obvious.
5.Wire fixation between coracoid process and clavicle plus ligament repaired is a reliable way for acromioclavicular joint dislocation.
6.The "floating shoulder injuries" (FSI) is a rare injury consisting of ipsilateral fractures of the clavicle and glenoid neck.
7.With the fingers of the left hand deepen right clavicle depression deepened, the fingers of the right hand left depressions.
8.Relax the neck, chin on the palm of the hand, head of the component will cause the fingers to the clavicle depression lymph pressure.
9.Shoulder complex movements are three dimensional and include chain-related motions of thorax, clavicle, scapula , and humerus.
10.Coracoidclavicle screw is a good method to treat fractures of the distal clavicle and dislocations of the acromioclavicular joint.