1.the citizens of a particular place considered as a group
1.Countries in a state of decline often look for a foreign adventure to pert the ire of their disgruntled citizenry.
2.Bibble, like the rest of the Naboo citizenry, was taken captive by the mechanized armies of the Trade Federation.
3.The citizenry, every Tom, Kim and Mary of it, if they so choose, troops along, marks a piece of paper and puts it in a box.
4.We have had enough clever schemes to protect bankers by shifting the cost of profligacy to the prudent citizenry.
5.Constitutions are not always fully understood or effectively used by the citizenry, he added.
6.It relieves the citizenry of onerous decision-making obligations and intensifies their gathering sense of political impotence.
7.After all, the city not long ago changed its mind on a far more important issue to its citizenry: term limits.
8.This vast and perse citizenry will not always agree on every issue -- nor should we.
9.One of the most fundamental elements of supporting the lives of the citizenry is an abundant supply of safe water.
10.If you agree with that sentiment , and if you agree that we need a critical mass of informed citizenry , you will realize that I need you .