1.He held out his hand to Melly, smiling at her so charmingly that she didn't even think of Nora as she let him lead her onto the dance floor.
2.The charmingly ironic point of vast reading, at least as I have come to understand it, is to distrust much of one's education.
3.Jingjing is a panda, whenever I won the it, he charmingly naive for me to bias his head, smiling.
4.how charmingly he describes everything ! she said , reading over the descriptions in the letter.
5.Perhaps most charmingly , despite an extremely active work achedule, Thompson really does seem to place her family before her career.
6.Initially the two look like proper ladies out for a stroll, a pantomime that gives way to funny faces and charmingly goofy choreography.
7.My room, one of six, fit two people comfortably and was charmingly decorated in teak with silk cushions and Thai art.
8.I escaped the heat at the National Museum, a charmingly deserted affair that houses a hotchpotch of artefacts.
9.A source close to the Groupon board describes Mason as "thoughtful, " and "charmingly goofy. "
10.It was so charmingly proportioned, so balanced and well clothed, that Euphemia's instinctive propriety was at once alarmed.