The car comes with white leather seats and a 6-CD changer.
这辆车配置了白色皮座椅和一台 6 碟光盘换片装置。
The whole experience was a life changer for me.
1.When the U. S. began to field the technology, officials described it as a "game changer" in the fight against Afghan IEDs.
2."We need a game-changer like the green revolution was for agriculture, " he said.
3.Now, however, the company is confronting a game-changer that Mr Lafley had not foreseen: a global economic downturn.
4."Probably, for at least a short amount of time, it could have been a game changer, until a counter was developed for it, " Dobrenz said.
5.For fashion victims of every kind, "pre-purchase validation" could be a game-changer.
6.No doubt the developments are scary, but the crisis may serve more as a cautionary tale than the big game-changer over nuclear power.
7.w: i'm sorry, but i think you can get it through the money changer in the shopping center across the street.
8.If all of that can be done, any one of these technologies could be a game-changer.
9.Alistair Thornton, of IHS Global Insight's Beijing team, said even a definite Chinese commitment "is not going to be a game-changer" .
10."Personally I think the game-changer is going out and recognising our brand globally, " said the Liverpool managing director.