1.Time traveler caught on film: An Irish filmmaker has uncovered evidence of a woman speaking into a cellphone in a 1928 Charlie Chaplin film.
2."I also wanted to tell them in person that Meghann was gone, " Mr. Jacquitte said, staring at a picture of her on his cellphone.
3.Instead, I stared at the cracked screen of my cellphone, waiting for a call.
4.She said she'd gone on a chat site for teens, started writing to a boy she'd never met and gave him her cellphone number.
5.He had a cellphone, but he couldn't afford to top it up, so he took only incoming calls.
6.I told her that she had to choose her cellphone or her freedom, and she ran back to her tiny room in the brothel and locked the door.
7.A passenger saw this and felt very angry. so he took some photos of this girl with his cellphone, and put them on the Internet.
8.And he whipped out his cellphone, dialed the number, and a voice said, "I'm up here. "
9.In the case of China Mobile, the emergence of smartphones has produced data volumes ten times that of a standard cellphone, Li said.
10.That's when Fulamatu had an idea: If I, as a foreigner, called his cellphone, he might agree to meet.