1.fish eggs eaten as food, usually spread on bread. In many countries caviar is considered to be a special and expensive food, eaten mainly by rich people.
1.The variant of caviare
1."It's like the caviar of potatoes, " he said. "It's going to be much more expensive, because you can't touch the field for two years. "
2.In a luxury car, Mortdecai sighs that "the gears engaged in a way which reminded me of a warm spoon going in to a great deal of caviar. "
3.Imagine that all this caviar could have been bought by people and no one knows what would have been the consequences.
4.Though more popular than it used to be, this opera is still caviar to the general.
5."Catherine discovered the caviar treatment last summer and was astounded by the difference it made to her hair, " said a source.
6.Could I try some of that jam? Jam? That blackberry jam. Oh, of course, darling. Actually, it's sort of a fish berry jam. It's called caviar.
7.A tin of red salmon caviar actually contains pearl-like melon balls; a coil that looks like an engine part is made of olive oil.
8.Sloppy enough to leave footprints, but smart enough to steal shoes in advance ? This is our guy, no question. You find any caviar jars?
9.Its clients can afford caviar but Etro's invitation this season came in the form of a potato, sent in a box of earth.
10.And if along the way you want to gorge on caviar or get a tattoo, that's entirely up to you.