1.a sudden violent change, especially a social or political one
2.a sudden natural event that causes a lot of damage, for example a flood or an earthquake
1.Such a cataclysm should have purged the speculation from the system for a generation.
2.A leader in Jerusalem Post has talked to the heart: the Egyptian revolution presents the biggest cataclysm since the Iranian Revolution.
3.During the five days that this cataclysm lasted, the sun did not show its face and the earth remained in darkness. ' Worlds in Collision, p.
4.Anakin kept the Falcon grounded as long as he could, soaring away from the cataclysm at the last possible instant.
5.The only way to preclude such a cataclysm, the authors argue, is to adopt much tougher counter-measures: rollback, in Cold War terms.
6.All right, then. You know. . . you know we are on the brink of another cataclysm, probably nuclear, on our own soil.
7.The Great Depression was an economic cataclysm on a scale hard to imagine.
8.S. Henry Kissinger, who was chairing the meeting, observed that the situation held the makings of "a social and political cataclysm. "
9.Fans are also awaiting the latest "expansion" , which is an update to the game. Cataclysm is likely to be the biggest release of next year.
10.A brutal Pit Lord and servant of Mannoroth the Destructor, Magtheridon found his way to Draenor after its cataclysm.