1.And that this is what is called, in the case of the woman, the castration complex!
2.It is the topping up that the subject is called on to make at this missing place by a sign which we call on from his own castration.
3.In humans, castration has been used for both cultural and medical (e. g. , for testicular cancer) reasons.
4.She seems to feel that castration might be an appropriate punishment.
5.When all is said and done castration is nothing other than the moment of the interpretation of castration.
6.Indeed, the evidence supports the notion that male castration might be the ticket to a longer life.
7."Surgical castration is no longer a generally accepted medical intervention in the treatment of sex-offenders, " the report said.
8.28The son's disappointment effected a castration of the hermaphroditic mother: this was the patient's so-called castration complex.
9.It is precisely to this that our attention should be directed to highlight one of the dimensions of castration.
10.The evening hour when a thousand holes appear on the surface of the earth. Castration!