1.On coming down from his room at six, he looked carefully about to see if Drouet was present and then went out to lunch.
2.And he put the tin lantern carefully in the front corner of the wagon-box, where the sack of corn held it still.
3.Daily from subtle small start, do not expect the brilliant magic, the trick to see through the vanity, carefully observe their own heart.
4.Sitting down carefully next to Kaleb, Johannah pressed a finger into his abdomen, which was well defined and gorgeous, like the rest of him.
5.so next time when you hear what is like an invitation, listen carefully. is it a real invitation or is the person just being friendly?
6.a. Again, like the story in the RPC (Russian Primary Chronicle), the ground for such a step must have been carefully prepared.
7.Make a prompt decision, raised his head and began to carefully think about the future steps to fight.
8.Faber watched him carefully. His flashlight moved across the face of every passenger.
9."You remind me of an old, old friend, " he told her, as he wrote swiftly and carefully on the title page.
10.Red is making a sign, carefully routing letters into a long plank of wood. It turns out to be.