1.Call a set of integers fat if each of its elements is at least as large as its cardinality.
2.You may have noticed that the query access plan itself did not change with the increase in cardinality estimate.
3.The optimizer depends on accurate cardinality estimates to properly compute the cost of each query access plan considered.
4.As mentioned, the cardinality of the address containment within a contact is assumed by the Relational DAS to be one-to-many.
5.Notice that there is a significant difference between the cardinality shown in the fetch node on the outer side of the join in Figure 7.
6.Generate the access plan and see what the optimizer estimates the total cardinality (Number of rows) returned by the query will be.
7.When examining an access plan, you may find that the estimated cardinality is not as accurate as it should be.
8.In real-life scenarios, typically the cardinality of an output structure in a message will mirror the cardinality of an input structure.
9.Correlated subqueries are often used to test whether relationships exist without regard to cardinality.
10.Distinct cardinality is the number of distinct values in a column of a row set.