He was held in captivity for three years.
The bird had escaped from captivity.
1.a situation in which a person is being kept as a prisoner
2.a situation in which wild animals are kept in a place such as a park or zoo instead of living in their natural environment
1.But it was more than heroism that kept Britain out of Nazi captivity.
2.Analysis of the teeth, particularly the wear on them, show that the lion lived to be very old and must have been kept in captivity.
3.They managed to draw him out from him a full account of his escape from captivity.
4.Zoo officials let the King Penguins waddle around once a week in a bid to ease homesickness and the stress of being in captivity.
5.So, you know, interfering in nature, no, not really. And trying to promote the better life of animals in captivity? Yes.
6.On Richards, who was established upstairs in a state of honourable captivity, the dawn of her new life seemed to break cold and grey.
7.It was the sixth of November, in the sixth year of my reign, or my captivity, that I set out on this voyage.
8.By forcing her to drink the honey ale, it was hoped that she could remain docile during her captivity.
9.The newspaper said the journalists had called the office to say they were being treated well but remained in captivity.
10.This idea was one of vengeance to me, and I tasted it slowly in the night of my dungeon and the despair of my captivity.