1.a set of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year
2.a system for measuring the length of a year and piding it into periods such as weeks and months
3.a list of important events and the dates they take place
4.an appointment book; the things you plan to do within a particular period of time
1.a set of pages showing the days, weeks, and months of a particular year
2.a system for measuring the length of a year and piding it into periods such as weeks and months
3.a list of important events and the dates they take place
4.an appointment book; the things you plan to do within a particular period of time
1.Up to now, historians have assumed that calendars came into being with the advent.
2.What fragile dignity is to be found among the coat hangers and calendars of a San Francisco family's one room home?
3.Contacts and calendars also cannot be updated over the airwaves, but require the iPhone to be physically docked with a computer.
4.Of course, when people think of calendars, they often think of a visual representation of dates, rather than just a list of events.
5.Adara and her father check their PlumLife calendars every morning by computer, to see what tasks and activities are laid out for the day.
6.Calendars have been enhanced with richer calendar views, expanded support for recurring events, and all-day events.
7.That may be for the best, though; a year on Gliese 581 c lasts just 13 days, so we'd have to spend a fortune on calendars [source: Sample].
8.I commend the hundreds of schools nationwide that are beginning to embrace extended school hours and academic calendars.
9.The Canadian student sells her calendars and other gift items with photos of her beautiful work on to help fund her studies.
10.It's no surprise to me that children are often used on calendars and in magazines to represent international love.