1.a car with a roof that can be folded back
1.It looked striking and was better cheaper than a Golf Cabriolet but not up to Volkswagen standards in terms of quality or ability.
2."Monsieur, " said the woman, "my boy tells me that you wish to hire a cabriolet . "
3.beauchamp was breakfasting when he read the paragraph . he sent immediately for a cabriolet , and hastened to the publishers office.
4.In keeping with this decision they turned the coupe cabriolet into a powerhouse of note with four different levels of power.
5.Looking like an evolutionary descendant of the original 1964 model year 901, the Carrera Cabriolet is pure Porsche through and through.
6.As he was finishing, the sound of a cabriolet entering the yard was heard.
7.he should have waited for me here with a cabriolet till half - past eleven ; it is twelve , and , tired of waiting , he must have gone on .
8.they sent for a cabriolet . on entering the bankers mansion , they perceived the phaeton and servant ofm . andrea cavalcanti.
9.while the cabriolet starts at sixteen-and-a-half thousand dollars. And don't let the petite size fool you.
10.On the Ambition equipment line, the A3 Cabriolet is supplied with a three-spoke leather sports steering wheel.