1.a basic unit for storing computer information, used for measuring the size of a document. A byte is usually made up of eight bits.
1.The length must be at least big enough to hold the Bytes returned field and Bytes available field.
2.Function Body, the total number of bytes that were allocated by the selected function when it was executing its own code.
3.Converts the numeric value of each element of a specified array of bytes to its equivalent hexadecimal string representation.
4.Trailing bytes at the end of the data block are stored in an internal buffer and used in the next decoding operation.
5.Function must be at least two bytes greater than the actual length of the string.
6.Function must be at least four bytes greater than the actual length of the string.
7.You might be able to find a happier medium by reading a series of bytes into a buffer at a time, thus saving the method calls.
8.The total number of bytes of staging file data regenerated by this replica set member for a specific outbound partner request.
9.However, the length of "A" is one byte and that of "Latin capital letter A with ring above" is two bytes.
10.Method will read as much data as is available, up to the number of bytes specified by the size parameter.