1.someone who lives in the Australian bush
2.a member of a group of people who live in southern Africa and who traditionally lived by hunting
1.McTavish and his bushmen are the only fellows who can negotiate those runs, and three of his men were lost that way the last time.
2.Bushmen do not know in real life people do not know how they object to on behalf of the water.
3.Bushmen in collecting food do not drain the kind of thing, they are often collected at various points between the rotation operations.
4.Nowadays in Cape Town we find important testimonies of these indigenous populations, the Bushmen and Hottentot, in the South African Museum.
5.The Akubra wide-brimmed hat worn by Australian bushmen is considered a strong possibility, along with oilskin coats and boots.
6.The seemingly empty landscape of the Kalahari Desert is full of clues to the whereabouts of potential prey for these San Bushmen hunters.
7.Texier points out that until recently, bushmen in the region carved geometric motifs on ostrich eggshells as a mark of ownership.
8.Bushmen have been the "baby" on a knife block to the root fragments Xue Cheng, squeezed juice to drink.
9.Marais has also pursued an interest in documenting the insect classification systems developed by the San Bushmen and other tribal groups.
10.It follows a regime of survival skills derived originally from Bushmen of the southern hemisphere.