1.very small pieces of bread that can be used in cooking
1.Giant white arrows are now visible onscreen, acting like breadcrumbs to lead you to the next checkpoint.
2.The recipe starts by filtering the breadcrumbs out with a mesh screen.
3.If you have the breadcrumbs from the kitchen you could use them to leave a trail of map notes.
4.If the fat is sufficiently absorbed by the breadcrumbs, do not add more. If not, continue in the same manner.
5.You can click one of the breadcrumbs to navigate back to that level.
6.Add the butter and using a food processor, or the tips of your fingers, rub together until the mixture resembles rough breadcrumbs.
7.It was a hard slab of salted minced beef, often slightly smoked, mixed with onions and breadcrumbs.
8.Slice off the top quarter of the loaf, hook out most of the crumb and save for breadcrumbs.
9.At the top of the workspace is the full path of the object, in "breadcrumbs" form, which provides a link to each element in the path.
10.My Tracks runs on Android mobile phones and records the location of GPS "breadcrumbs" left by users as they walk, jog, or bike outdoors.