1.the activity of building a business from nothing, with very little money put in from outside the business
1.This phase is often called bootstrapping, meaning when firms make do with few resources.
2.Build -! Internal use only! DO NOT SET THIS FLAG YOURSELF! , Used for creating build images and the first half of bootstrapping.
3.However hard you try, it's difficult to make this kind of bootstrapping code neat, tidy, and easy to read.
4.Finally, the result of bootstrapping approach suggested that the cost model developed by this study had good accuracy in prediction.
5.Since y'all are a bootstrapping kinda crowd, I decided to talk to Chris about The $100 Startup and share it here.
6.The Base contains useful utilities, such as bootstrapping and event notification, to name just a few.
7.With the bootstrapping mechanism, you can use the most appropriate implementation for your application.
8.Furthermore, the nonparametric form of bootstrapping makes no assumptions about the underlying PDF.
9.Do you think you can start a business for $100? What are your favorite bootstrapping tools and resources?
10.The V4 framework allows these to be used as bootstrapping classes for quick prototyping and testing of a Web application.