1.a curved stick that comes back to you when you throw itIt was traditionally used by Australian aboriginals for hunting.
1.if something boomerangs on you or against you, it has a bad effect on you instead of on the person it was intended to affect
1.But Mr Turnbull might have thrown a boomerang, making him victim of his own attack.
2.Michael Jackson on the boomerang plate, but threw the dart Do not hit him, or to the oh points.
3.The boomerang's ability to return has made it a favourite symbol for the tourism and transport industries.
4.He throws a wad of paper out the door of his room, to see if it will boomerang back and land in one of his gym shoes.
5.Boomerang Generation is one of several terms applied to the current generation of young adults in Western culture.
6.any rebuffing on your part may boomerang back at you and bite you twice as hard, even if you didn't mean to come across as cranky or bossy.
7.The coldest known place in the universe is the Boomerang Nebula, 5, 000 light years away from us in the constellation Centaurus.
8.Four boomerang shaped storey decks rotate in relation to each other like the shutter of a camera.
9.The invention discloses a safety-type toy boomerang, including a leaf blade, whose outer margin is provided with a ring-shape guard ring.
10.But Boomerang the pigeon has lost neither her homing instinct - nor her sense of occasion.