1.a list of people or things that some people do not approve of, and want other people to avoid or stop supporting
2.a list of e-mail addresses of people or organizations whose mail someone does not allow on their computer
1.to keep a record of someone you do not approve of and prevent them from making progress in some way; to say that particular products should not be bought, especially as part of a political protest
1.The fundamentals of the white and blacklists used in spam filtering are very simple.
2.In fairness, this only evaluated the rule-based filters, not the optional checks against distributed blacklists.
3.None were forced to return, a departure from the past when Egypt had rejected passengers found to be on "blacklists. "
4.Most spam filtering involves blacklists in which email from addresses on the list is rejected or filtered.
5.Blacklists can become huge, for the simple reason that spammers often use a multitude of different addresses as the source for their spam.
6.Taking Back the DNS (Paul Vixie) -- defining a spec whereby you can subscribe to blacklists for DNS, as Most new domain names are malicious.
7.Adobe is using protocol handler blacklists, which security researcher Billy Rios has pointed out is a weakness.
8.Nero blacklists key-gen numbers and people using blacklisted numbers are not entitled to upgrades or product support.
9.It also expands a UN arms embargo against Tehran and blacklists firms that are aiding the nuclear enrichment.
10.You can create lists of private applications, public applications and blacklists .