1.the day, month, and year on which somebody was born
1.With legal representatives, the name, birthdate (Year, Month, Day), resident address, serial number of the identification document.
2.please fill out the birthdate field properly . eligibility is restricted to those at least 13 years of age.
3.We had her birthdate changed to 1994, because she remembered clearly that she was born in the year of the Dog.
4.From the JPA perspective, in the JPA Structure view (usually on the top-right of the JPA perspective), select the birthdate attribute.
5.For the sake of this example, assume that you're looking for the birthDate attribute.
6.Until now, Sol and I had shared everything; secrets, chocolates, friends, even a birthdate.
7.As Figure 11 shows, the birthdate attribute now has an additional annotation associated with it because of your previous steps.
8.Date is a function that returns the current date, and [BirthDate] refers to the BirthDate field in the underlying table.
9.Set the Name property for one text box to Birthdate and the other to Age.
10.His baptismal certificate lists his birthdate as February 22, 1810, but this was most likely an error on the part of the priest.