1.It represents the probability of each value occurring and is represented on a graph by a bell-shaped curve or histogram.
2.any of various plants of the genus Malvaviscus having brilliant bell-shaped drooping flowers like incompletely opened hibiscus flowers.
3.Around with colour photographs into a bell-shaped ribbon Wai, Yiyu Sun use revolutionary bell arouse Chinese people.
4.U. S. authorities lowered a bell-shaped device onto Soviet communication cables that ran along the floor of the ocean.
5.3 For many random variables, a good choice is the normal distribution, often represented as a bell-shaped curve, shown in Figure 1.
6.This invention relates to a kind of quick regulating-testing method for a bell shaped furnace air-fuel ratio regulating system.
7.Fume hood shall be designed to minimize static pressure loss. Bell shaped exhaust collar configuration shall be provided.
8.precision the percentage of items that fall within specific ranges under a symmetrical, bell-shaped curve like the one in Figure 4-3.
9.Japanese variety with most unusual nodding flowers: shiny, bell-shaped, deep brown-red in color, borne single or in panicles on long stalks.
10.low-growing alpine plant cultivated for its dark glossy green leaves in basal rosettes and showy solitary bell-shaped blue flowers.