1.a subatomic particle belonging to a group that undergoes strong interactions, has a mass greater than or equal to that of the proton, and consists of three quarks
1.Non- baryonic matter , as implied by the name, is any sort of matter that is not primarily composed of baryons.
2."For us, made of baryons, to exist, the mirror of charge-parity symmetry needs to be broken, " Buckley explains.
3.The main aims of this thesis are to examine the distribution amplitudes of the octet baryons, and to investigate their applications.
4.All the stars, galaxies and gas observable in the universe account for less than a half of all the baryons that should be around.
5.In this scenario, the angular momentum of baryons and its distribution play key roles, which govern the structures of disk galaxies.
6.Scientists call ordinary matter "baryonic matter" because protons and neutrons are subatomic particles called baryons.
7.We obtain an electromagnetic mass-separation formula of baryons, various formulae of hadrons and mass relations of leptons-hadrons.
8.Scientists call them baryonic matters, as protons and neutrons are called baryons in sub-atomic particles.
9.All particles which are together with the neutrons and protons are called baryons.
10.The yellow band indicates the amount of matter that can reside in "normal" matter, or baryons, as inferred from Nucleosynthesis .