1.Except his mild little wife there was not a thing with any pretensions to attractiveness about this household.
2.But she must have had some attractiveness. . . you were kissing her breasts, you said.
3.To them, it indicates that physical attractiveness is not that big a deal and that it's easy to compensate for physical shortcomings.
4.Yet in the matter of attractiveness to foreign investment at least two of these factors apply for China too: consumer market and workforce.
5.A woman's attractiveness relates to the size of her waist compared with her hips, according to New Zealand anthropologist Barnaby Dixson.
6.As I explain in a subsequent post, the association between physical attractiveness and intelligence may be due to one of two reasons.
7.There is a strong role of visual attractiveness in creating a comfortable, relaxing interior that is often overlooked.
8.While attractiveness is a positive factor for a man on his way up the executive ladder, it is harmful to woman.
9.It appears the secret of a man's attractiveness to the opposite sex lies in his hands.
10.So they continue to see most of them as handsome, even though to the Westerner's eyes the attractiveness seems to be an illusion.