1.I shall next week talk about the appropriateness of a macroeconomic policy response to deflation .
2.Do not "talk about cheese when the moon would be a more fitting topic. " Also, don't discount the appropriateness of silence.
3.Lifetime Value is typically used to judge the appropriateness of the costs of acquisition of a customer.
4.The appreciation by the participants was a clear indication of the appropriateness of IBPC for the Business market.
5.Furthermore, the ultimate cause of the disease remains obscure, which makes it hard to gauge the appropriateness of an intervention.
6.It' s the fundamental guarantee to be the appropriateness to ensure the actual effect of practice teaching of the "base" course.
7."People's personal views of the appropriateness of same-sex relationships naturally influence their views of our lawsuit, " Boies wrote.
8.Securities firms shall establish appropriate policies and procedures for position valuation, and review their appropriateness periodically.
9.In this case, the court flexibility judged negligence standard, to protect the judges the legitimacy and appropriateness.
10.This gender effect panned out even after controlling for participants' evaluation of the social appropriateness of such acts.