1.a food, drink, or drug that makes people want to have sex
1.If I hear, "make a date night, " one more time, from one more relationship expert, I'm going to throw the aphrodisiac in her face.
2.The official Communist source does not tell us exactly how opium, as an aphrodisiac or as part of a formula, was used in the Ming court.
3."We make a mockery of the word aphrodisiac if by it we mean a substance that sets one up to be raped, " says Schab.
4.Humour is an aphrodisiac: A good sense of humour always gives an edge to men when they hit on a woman.
5.MFK Fisher was right to note that the bivalve is a famous aphrodisiac thanks to its "odour its consistency and probably its strangeness" .
6.This would be the first scientific evidence that the most famous aphrodisiac in the world at least partly deserved its reputation.
7.HENRY KISSINGER was guilty of understatement when he said that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
8.Backing up for a moment: Henry Kissinger famously observed that power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.
9.Cnidium seed was often used in combination with Cuscuta seed in aphrodisiac formulations, since the two herbs work well combined.
10.This is a tough one because you certainly don't want to smell like the town dump, but a little BO is an unbelievable aphrodisiac.