1.To look not dazzling, with dip in the brush that has painting of a bit light color brushes boundary some more ambiguously gently.
2.As a first step of the transformation, the XSL processor should be given a template that non-ambiguously matches some part of the source.
3.and, ambiguously , with children. He once said that if there were no children in the world, he would have no reason to exist.
4.A folder full of ambiguously-named versions of PSDs is the bane of any designer's life.
5.There is alone toilet, he at in vomit of voice alternatively ambiguously scatter to come through thick solid plank in the door.
6.Now, again stupid persons all seem ambiguously comprehend casualty what affair, small son of a feudal lord why so frightened Li Yuan Qi?
7.Haskell complains if you use a type ambiguously or if you try to use an unsupported type with a function.
8.The constitution ambiguously labels regions like Catalonia as "nationalities" , but it still recognises only one nation, Spain.
9.It also touches on some of the who, what, when, where, and whys associated with this often ambiguously interpreted phrase.
10.Tragedy of the commons is the worst incentive problem provoked by ambiguously defined property rights.