1.The celebration in heaven is going to be an amazing thing and Jesus invites you to be a part of it.
2.Jn. 9: 30 The man answered and said to them, Why here is an amazing thing, that you do not know where He is from, and yet He opened my eyes!
3.The Bible was recorded over a couple of thousand years ago, and it is an amazing thing how the Bible has never been proven wrong.
4.And also the amazing thing about this video, as soon as you see it you kind of immediately project yourself into that experience.
5.I just came off of a nearly month-long speaking tour on three different continents, and I won't go into that, but it was an amazing thing.
6.One of the most amazing thing in the world is having someone who falls in lov e with you thought you never had a chance with.
7.It's an amazing thing to be able to remember to get terrified every time you see a spider.
8.The dance floor was in a frenzy, and the amazing thing was that word spread like herpes.
9.And as I tried to assure them that I would do what I could, an amazing thing happened.
10.Here there Buddha Shakyamuni intervened and said actually Manjushri did a amazing thing because Manjushri knew that.