1.including or affecting everyone or everything
1.From which brand restaurants stock, to what countries each operates in, this rivalry is all-encompassing and global.
2.Additionally, the term data mining is all-encompassing, referring to dozens of techniques and procedures used to examine and transform data.
3.It's something done continually by every major comics publisher, but it has never been done on such an all-encompassing scale.
4."It's all encompassing" , he repeats to the crowd gathered in this working-class Cairo district - Islam is all encompassing.
5.All that is left then is an all-encompassing sense of presence or " beingness , " and the inner body is felt to be without a boundary.
6.In this book, these three definitions have been collapsed into a single, all encompassing, definition of ICT.
7.C'mon, folks, give me a break: It may be wonderful, but it is not the all-encompassing solution to whatever your problems may be.
8.The International Business Awards are the only global, all-encompassing business awards program honoring great performances in business.
9.Any attempt to draw an all-encompassing moral from the lives he examines would have distorted the stories he has to tell.
10.The PMI developed one of the most all-encompassing PM frameworks (PMP) and provides several levels of project management certifications.