Mick Clark, alias Sid Brown
米克 ) 克拉克,又名锡德 ) 布朗
Hercule Poirot, alias David Suchet(= David Suchet plays the part of Hercule Poirot)
赫尔克里 ) 波洛,由大卫 ) 苏切特扮演
David Suchet, alias Hercule Poirot of the famous TV series
大卫 ) 苏切特,即著名电视连续剧中的赫尔克里 ) 波洛
He checked into the hotel under an alias.
1.a different name that someone uses instead of their real name
1.used before a different name that someone uses instead of their real name
2.used before the name of a person in a movie or TV or radio show that an actor is famous for playing
1.As a directive, when it is used to create an alias for a namespace or to import types defined in other namespaces.
2.For example, a common alias is ll, which invokes the equivalent of ls -l (ll is often referred to as long listing).
3.In many cases, an authentication data alias is often used in client requests for database interaction.
4.If a default has not been bound to a column or to an alias data type, it can just be dropped using DROP DEFAULT.
5.It is often least confusing to use the directory name as the alias name, so that the virtual directory might be called ExampleFtpFiles.
6.This can be useful to alias Internet or Notes mail recipients, using either initials or short, easy-to-type abbreviations.
7.To drop a rule, first unbind it if the rule is currently bound to a column or to an alias data type.
8.When a default is created, use sp_bindefault to bind it to a column or to an alias data type.
9.Will it be keen to add a bit of democracy into its alias as many others choose to do?
10.Each key in the keystore can be identified by an alias, which is typically the name of the signer who owns the key.