Danny is their adopted son.
1.legally made a part of a family that is not your original family
2.someone’s adopted country is the country they have chosen to live in and not the one they were born in
1.The past tense and past participle of adopt
1.Just a few days ago, in this solemn hall, world leaders adopted the Declaration of the Summit.
2.The 60-year-old man and his wife, Sandra, kept the loyal four-legged helper and adopted a second dog to help lead both man and dog together.
3.The stepped cast-iron guideway is often adopted in heavy machine tool.
4.He said mooted exemptions for foreign exchange trades from the OTC market reforms being considered by US Congress would not be adopted.
5.Look for these standards to be adopted by the joint committee within the year with a voluntary certification program to follow.
6.However, he adopted an abandoned old buffalo, which proved to be very loyal and relieved him a lot from the hard labor in the fields.
7.All they knew was that his mother had been adopted, making K. and H. first cousins by title but not by blood.
8.The word cleavage had been adopted within the Association to refer to the shadowed area indicating the space between an actress's breasts.
9.It's our way of increasing the probability that this implementation of a standard is adopted.
10.New York is a place where one of our greatest heroes got it on with his adopted daughter while still married to his movie star wife.