1.The derivative of additional
2.as well as what has already been mentioned, agreed, etc.
1.Additionally, if you want your sauce to be a little thicker, whisk in a knob of butter off the heat.
2.Additionally the visual will be aided by the fact that the pilot will be looking out in the direction of the enemy aircraft.
3.There is additionally a wider sense of the word 'money', covering anything which is used as a means of exchange, whatever form it may take.
4.Additionally, it is possible to generate shearing force by some factors like the change of temperature or support displacement.
5.Additionally you should be careful on how much you spend on your car, because a payment can limit what you can do in the future.
6.Additionally, when updates are applied to a running application, the entire application does not always need to be recycled.
7.Additionally, certain websites may allow you to ask questions directly of health professionals or scientists.
8.the inlet of the air inducing fan is additionally provided with an air adjusting pipe.
9.Additionally, do not use large, intricate backgrounds on your pages, as they hinder the readability of your text and increase load time.
10.Additionally, a sense of accomplishment at the end of each stage can help the landscaper stay motivated throughout the project.