1.Since your visitors have actually come to your site, they are willing to hear to you and learn what you have to offer.
2.We have no doubt that some of the integrations will actually come from the users themselves.
3.But dramatic though it was, the dot-com crash did not actually come close to erasing the excesses of the 1990s.
4.Victorias Secret hopefully! Now that my dream of competing on ANTM has actually come true, I feel like anything is possible.
5.For the lyrics, some of them were actually come up with when I talk to my friends and I think a certain phrase or word is interesting.
6.No, I am not talking about text messages, mails, or slang chatroom words, I am talking about words that actually come out of your mouth.
7.But the next Chinese breakthrough may actually come in an unexpected field.
8.But the Bank of Spain says the turnaround may not actually come until the second half of 2011, when unemployment will hit 20%.
9.But it now seems likely that some of the health benefits of social support actually come from the support we provide to others.
10.He didn't actually come from a background of high technology; he came from a background of creativity and a love of learning and books.