1.a unit for measuring the surface area of land, equal to 4,840 square yards or 4,047 square meters
1.He told me that he was planning to buy ten acres of land in Port-au-Prince for a new school, which he hoped to have open in the fall.
2.I don't know what's worse: to have to look at acres of bad art to find the little good, or to read what the critics say about it all.
3.Also he kept three or four pigs and a cow. they were all pastured in the few acres left of the Grimes place and Jake did little enough work.
4.He was more worried that I might have my eyes on his eighty acres, cleared and planted, or on the money the bank kept locked up.
5.His house sat on ten acres, and his life's goal was to make it a forest.
6.Well, look how much food you can produce on 100 acres if you do this kind of -- again, give each species what it wants.
7.About this time the settlers cleared three acres of the plateau, and the rest was preserved in a wild state, for the benefit of the onagers.
8.He bought eight thousand acres in a little town which he said would be the only Dutch town where you can see palm trees.
9.He wondered how much those sixty acres were worth.
10.It was set amid the green of a hundred acres of lush farmland, with its own private hunting, and running streams to fish.