1.Get a comfy seat with plenty of padding and shock absorbency, and dropped handlebars that allow you to drop down in windy conditions.
2.The surface strength, brightness, opacity, glossiness, and absorbency are influenced by the amount of binder in the coating.
3.Porous plastics, rubber, cellulose, or other material, similar in absorbency to this skeleton and used for the same purposes.
4.The plastic has a unique property that allows it to evenly distribute the weight and pressure on top of it, which provides shock absorbency.
5.If after 8 hours your tampon still isn't saturated and isn't easy to remove, try a lighter absorbency next time.
6.Hg absorbency of white poplar, willow and pine was low, while that of the larch was high with the elm being the highest.
7.Special absorbency can bring grinding fluid to a polishing place , which reduces thermal damage for products and effectively lubricates .
8.If it gets saturated in less than 4 hours, try a heavier absorbency tampon.
9.The influences of reaction conditions on oil absorbency and swelling rate were studied, as well as slow release property.
10.The ionomer exhibit certain emulsifying property and water absorbency. The oil resistance is not so good.