It starts at 10 a.m.
上午 10 点开始。
1.同“ante meridiem”
2.〈外〉(=anno mundi)
4.(=Artium Magister)文科硕士
1.同“ante meridiem”
2.〈外〉(=anno mundi)
4.(=Artium Magister)文科硕士
1.Same as ante meridiem
2.<foreign>(=anno mundi)
3.(=Artium Magister)
4.The variant of F.and
1.Same as ante meridiem
2.<foreign>(=anno mundi)
3.(=Artium Magister)
4.The variant of F.and
1.used after a time for showing that it is between midnight and noon
1.At 1. 30 a. m. they arrived at Portsmouth. Edward got out of the car and a voice said: 'The King is here! '
2.As usual, he tuned his radio for the 7 a. m news broadcast before he began to get washed.
3.Other reports said the fire broke out on a city bus at about 8: 30 a. m. (0030 GMT) as it passed near the city zoo.
4.It was expected to check in with air traffic controllers at a. m. GMT but did not do so, the Brazilian air force said in a statement.
5.Sometimes Mr. Munson comes home drunk, and his wife yells at him and then gets him up for work at 6 a. m.
6.Sanitation Commissioner John Doherty said he expected to have 'all the streets' in the city plowed by 7 a. m. Thursday.
7.It was 3 a. m. when a 95-year-old Bartlesville woman heard somebody break the glass on her front door and push the door open.
8.It was a long, hard night, but around 7 a. m. , something happened: The wind chimes outside his mother's window started to chime.
9.We finished the "Star Sign Guide To Your Legs" by 4 a. m. Downtown was an empty set. I felt like a New York copywriter now as I drove home.
10."I think I can help you , " said the minister, "Be dressed and ready to go tomorrow at 8 a. m . "