1.Zend Core for IBM is a seamless, out-of-the-box, easy to install and support PHP development and production environment.
2.This simply takes the $view object out of the Zend registry, as you've done in previous parts of this series, and displays it to the user.
3.All of the authorizations are part of the security group stored in the Amazon cloud; they just don't show up in the results from Zend.
4.These views won't render into a complete HTML document like the Zend views did.
5.To begin, first set up a standard Zend Framework application that provides the context for the code shown in this article.
6.An additional part of the Zend debugger needs to be installed as part of your PHP installation so that Eclipse PHP Debug perspective works.
7.The result is a vendor-supported Flex and PHP integration, which will be, as Zend put it, "Party in the front, business in the back. "
8.Zend_Form is capable of performing complex validation and displaying error messages on your form when validation fails.
9.According to the Zend-Avesta, it was the Word, more ancient than the world, that Ormuzd created the universe.
10.For Zend and symfony, you're leaving the maintenance of the modified column up to the database.