1.In the image of the Byzantium Empire, Yeats expressed his wish for his mother country Ireland and disclosed his aristocratic ideal.
2."With him in defence, we could play Arthur Askey in goal. " Bill Shankly after signing Ron Yeats.
3."It seems to me that love, if fine, is essentially a discipline. " -William Butler Yeats.
4.Those two lines of Yeats for me sum up the matter as it stands today when the very currency of belief seems debased.
5.W. B. Yeats wrote a poem for a woman who sounds a bit like you: she worried that men loved her for her golden tresses and not for herself.
6.To put it in an English-speaking context, what's the value of Shakespeare, Shaw, Joyce, Yeats, the King James translation of the Bible?
7.Yeats was interested in folktales as a part of an exploration of national heritage and for the revival of Celtic identity.
8.Yeats is generally considered to be one of the twentieth century's key English-language poets. In 1923, he got Nobel Prize for literature.
9.As Yeats once said, "Education is not a filling of a pail, but a lighting of a fire. "
10.He lives in Brooklyn with his wife Diane and four cats, Whitman, Yeats, Poe and Emily.