1.For instance, you're not likely to hear: "Implementing XP means rigid work hours, so I won't be able to pick my daughter up from school. "
2.However, the Tomato Garden rip of XP is still widely available all over the Chinese web, and is downloadable in just a few clicks.
3.XP uses "metaphor" in an attempt to define an overall coherent theme to which both developers and business clients can relate.
4.Do you think I could pay for my scroll scribing XP costs with a well-told tale of a drug- addled past of some sort?
5.When you've collected enough XP to level up to the next level, the message "" Boost Attr. "" will blink next to your name.
6.The acquisition of the single team room was the point at which the project really began to benefit from XP.
7.Still, "It's just a fact of life that we can only milk a cow for so long, " analyst David Cappuccio told a recent conference.
8.The important factor is how much XP you'll be getting from the quests and kills.
9.Kent Beck's original twelve practices of Extreme Programming are something of a checklist, but not quite.
10.People who have not used XP on a project but would like to understand its basic concepts will get the most out of this book.