1.Sometimes, when Wendell was busy, he would try the insight out on me instead, or discuss a fine point of the Apple II firmware.
2.But to everyone's surprise, a little-known candidate named Wendell Willkie suddenly gained a great deal of support and won the nomination.
3.Wendell: Nobody knows that. Let me tell you something: Don't start sweating the small stuff. Okay?
4.When it was time to get him into the cage for the night, I put out a hand. "Nice Wendell, nice bird, " I baby talked.
5."I've had a crush on Wendell Thurber for awhile, " she says. "Today, he showed me that he feels the same way. "
6."The great thing in this world is not so much where we are, but in what direction we are moving. " - Oliver Wendell Holmes.
7.The greatest thing in this world is not so much where we are, but which direction we are moving. --Oliver Wendell Holmes.
8.Oliver Wendell Holmes once remarked that "To fight out a war, you must believe something and want something with all your might. "
9.Wendell: You think this boy Moss got any notion of the sorts that're huntin' him?
10.Enthusiastic crowds were on hand to watch as long-time handler David Boggs led the legendary chestnut stallion to Wendell Arena.