1.a toilet
1.The most recent death was a 10-year-old female named Galya, which had long been tracked and studied by WCS Russia.
2.The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) then offered him a position to set up a long-term research project in Belize.
3.A WMS is still the norm for conventional warehouses and a WCS has become the standard for automated facilities.
4.Local residents and travelers are also called to help maintain a clean any healthy environment when using public WCs.
5.Though, the accuracy of the WCS is not good as FDTD. In recent years, a weakly conditionally stable (WCS) FDTD is adapted for FDTD.
6.Another example of the thorough design is the suspended plasterboard ceiling in the WCs that will protect the services from vandalism.
7.WCS's aerial surveys have since been expanded to monitor wildlife, livestock, and human activity throughout much of southern Sudan.
8.Those facilities are increasingly relying on the WCS as the engine for order fulfillment and synchronization.
9.Save Tigers Tigers are in trouble, but WCS is finding smart ways to save them. Help us protect their.
10.WCS is committed to this work because we believe it essential to the integrity of life on Earth.